카테고리 없음 2023. 1. 16. 15:39

토플 리딩 - Category chart 유형

[본 포스팅은 고우해커스 고득점멘토 낭낭찌롱님의 칼럼을 재구성하여 작성했습니다]


​✔ 토플 리딩 - Category chart 유형 ✔


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고우해커스 고득점멘토와 함께 알아보아요 :)




토플 리딩 유형은  9가지 정도가 있습니다.


1.     Vocabulary (주어진 단어/표현과 유사한 의미를 가진 단어/표현을 찾는 유형)

2.     Fact/Negative Fact (지문과 일치 또는 불일치하는 내용을 골라내는 유형)

3.     Sentence simplification (주어진 문장의 요지를  담고 있는  다른 문장을 선택하는 유형)

4.     Reference (지시어가 가리키는 대상이 무엇인지 찾아내는 유형)

5.     Text insertion (주어진 문장을 삽입할 위치를 찾는 유형)

6.     Rhetorical purpose (지문의  부분이  전체에서 어떤 기능을 하는지 알아내는 유형)

7.     Inference (지문의 내용을 통해 간접적으로 명시된 내용을 찾아내는 유형)

8.     Summary (지문의 주요 내용을 요약한 3가지의 보기를 고르는 유형)

9.     Category chart (지문의 내용을 각 범주에 맞게 분류하는 유형)



이번 칼럼에서는 토플 리딩

 (9) Category chart 유형을 다루어보도록 하겠습니다.


Category chart 유형에 대한 간략한 설명 후에,

토플 리딩 예시 문제를 통해 풀이 방법과

팁을 공유해보도록 하겠습니다 :)




Category chart ★★★☆☆

지문 내의 정보를  항목에 맞게 분류하는 유형


토플 리딩 Category chart 유형은 Summary 유형과 마찬가지로

  지문의 마지막 문제로 출제가 되는 유형으로

 가지 유형   유형이 마지막 문제로출제됩니다.


Category chart 유형은 Summary 유형에 비해

 출제 빈도가 높은 편은 아니지만 

배점이 매우 높은 유형이기 때문에 

철저히 준비해두는 것이 좋습니다.


지문 내의 정보를 종합해 제시된 

선택지를 항목별로 분류하는 방식입니다.


 가지 이상의 대상을 비교하거나 대조하는 방식 취하고 있는 경우 

토플 리딩 category chart 유형이 자주 출제되는 편입니다.





[Category chart 점수 배점]


선택지 9 (정답 7) 경우

4 만점, 1 틀릴 때마다 1 감점


7 : 4

6 : 3

5 : 2

4 : 1

3 이하 : 0


선택지 7 (정답 5) 경우

3 만점, 1 틀릴 때마다 1 감점


5 : 3

4 : 2

3 : 1

2 이하 : 0



이제 토플 리딩 예시 문제를 통해 풀이 방법을 설명해보겠습니다!






Thermal Insulation

Endothermic animals have developed effective insulating outer layers that help keep their internal temperature up regardless of the external conditions. They can be classified into three main categories: down, underfur and blubber. For example, birds have thermal insulation in the form of down. Down feathers are the very short, soft and fine feathers in the inner layer. The larger and tougher exterior feathers largely serve other functions and are not crucial for thermoregulation, as evidenced by the fact that infant birds possess no exterior feathers at all.

Mammals have also developed a layer of insulation to assist with thermoregulation. In land mammals, the most important thermal insulator is fur on hair. As in the case of bird feathers, it is the inner layer of short, dense and flat underfur that provides them with insulation from the cold. The outer layer of fur visible in most land mammals is usually much coarser and provides little protection from the cold.

On the other hand, fur plays only a minor role for sea-dwelling mammals, which instead rely on a thick layer of fat that collects under their skin, known as blubber. Blubber is an essential insulator for sea mammals because, unlike fur, it remains effective even under extreme pressure, allowing them to dive deep below the surface of the ocean to search for food.

Directions: Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the type of to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 3 points.




Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Text.

(A) provides the only form of covering for the young of some organisms
(B) is unable to operate as an insulator when exposed to high pressures
(C) accumulates beneath the outer layer of the skin of animals
(D) is found both on mammals that dwell on the land and those that live in the sea
(E) develops naturally on all species of endothermic animals
(F) acts as a key component in thermoregulation for bird species
(G) relies largely on its exterior part for thermoregulation


[문제 풀이]

첫번째 단락의  번째 문장 

‘They can be classified into three main categories: down, underfur and blubber.’

 통해  지문에서 category chart유형이

문제로 나올 것을 예상해   있습니다


추가로, category chart 문제가 down, underfur, blubber 

구분될 것이라는 것도 유추 가능합니다.





먼저, Down  관련된 내용은 다음과 같습니다.


For example, birds have thermal insulation in the form of down. Down feathers are the very short, soft and fine feathers in the inner layer. The larger and tougher exterior feathers largely serve other functions and are not crucial for thermoregulation, as evidenced by the fact that infant birds possess no exterior feathers at all.


위의 내용을 통해 down 특징을 정리해보겠습니다.


birds(thermal insulation)

- Short, soft, fine (inner) 

- Not important for thermoregulation(exterior) ex. Infant birds


정리한 특징과 관련된 보기를 골라보겠습니다.

Down  첫번째 특징인 birds(thermal insulation)내용의 경우

보기 (F) acts as a key component in thermoregulation for bird species(조류 체온 조절에 중요한 요소) 

 같은 내용임을   있습니다. 


Down  세번째 특징인 exterior feathers = not crucial for thermoregulation 내용은

 보기 (A) provides the only form of covering for the young of some organisms

 같은 내용임을   있습니다지문에서는 위의 특징을 설명하기 위해

 infant birds 예로 드는데 내용이 보기 (A) 같은 내용임을   있습니다.


보기(A) 통해   있듯이 지문에서 나온 단어나 표현 그대로 보기가 제시되지 않습니다.

Exterior feathers = covering / The young = infant  paraphrase 것을 확인할  있습니다.





다음으로underfur 관련된 내용을 살펴보겠습니다.


Mammals have also developed a layer of insulation to assist with thermoregulation. In land mammals, the most important thermal insulator is fur on hair. As in the case of bird feathers, it is the inner layer of short, dense and flat underfur that provides them with insulation from the cold. The outer layer of fur visible in most land mammals is usually much coarser and provides little protection from the cold.


On the other hand, fur plays only a minor role for sea-dwelling mammals, which instead rely on a thick layer of fat that collects under their skin, known as blubber. Blubber is an essential insulator for sea mammals because, unlike fur, it remains effective even under extreme pressure, allowing them to dive deep below the surface of the ocean to search for food.



위의 내용을 통해 underfur 특징을 정리해보겠습니다.


Mammals(thermal insulator)

- Inner : insulation from cold

- Outer : little protection

- Minor role for sea animals

- Ineffective under extreme pressure


제시된 underfur 특징과 관련된 보기를 골라보겠습니다.

underfur 속하는 보기는 (B)  (D) 됩니다이유를 설명해보겠습니다.


(B) is unable to operate as an insulator when exposed to high pressures


underfur 고압력에 노출되었을  insulator 작동되지 않는다는 내용은,

blubber 설명하는 내용에서 찾아볼  있습니다

‘Blubber is an essential insulator for sea mammals because, 

unlike fur, it remains effective even under extreme pressure

  내용을 통해 fur  blubber 다르게 extreme pressure 

아래에서는 효과적인 insulator 되지 못한다는 점을 확인할  있습니다. 


(D) is found both on mammals that dwell on the land and those that live in the sea


(D) underfur 육지 동물과 해양동물에게서 발견될  있다는 내용입니다.

2번째 단락의 두번째 줄에 ‘In land mammals, the most important thermal insulator is fur on hair.’

 통해 underfur 육지 동물에 발견될  있음이 확인 가능합니다.


3번째 단락에 첫번째  ‘On the other hand, fur plays only a minor role for sea-dwelling mammals,’

 통해 underfur 해양 동물에도 발견될  있음을 확인할  있습니다


따라서 보기 (D) underfur 속하는 내용이 됩니다.





마지막으로blubber 관련된 내용을 살펴보겠습니다.


On the other hand, fur plays only a minor role for sea-dwelling mammals, which instead rely on a thick layer of fat that collects under their skin, known as blubber. Blubber is an essential insulator for sea mammals because, unlike fur, it remains effective even under extreme pressure, allowing them to dive deep below the surface of the ocean to search for food.


위의 내용을 통해 blubber 특징을 정리해보겠습니다.


- Thick layer of fat(under skin)

- essential insulator for sea mammals 

- Effective under extreme pressure (dive deep - ocean 가능)


제시된 blubber 특징과 관련된 보기는 (C)입니다이유를 설명해보겠습니다.


(C) accumulates beneath the outer layer of the skin of animals


(C) blubber(지방) 동물 피부 바깥층 아래에 축적된다는 내용입니다.


 내용은 지문에서 나타나는 blubber 첫번째 특징에서 찾아볼  있습니다.

3번째 단락에 첫번째 문장 ‘which instead rely on a thick layer of fat

that collects under their skin, known as blubber.’에서 

under their skin beneath the outer layer of skin으로 paraphrase 형태로

 보기 (C) 같은 내용을 설명하고 있음을   있습니다.





따라서 정답 정리해보자면,


Down - (A), (F)

Underfur - (B), (D)

Blubber - (C)




토플 리딩 Category chart 유형은   이상의 항목끼리 비교

 또는 대조하는 지문에서 자주 출제됩니다


지문 초반에서 지문의 서술 방식을 빠르게 파악하는 것이 중요합니다.


미리 토플 리딩 Category chart 유형이 출제될 것을 예상하고 노트테이킹 하는 것이 중요합니다.

유형파악이 어려운 경우지문을 본격적으로 읽기  마지막 유형이 무엇인지 먼저 확인하는 것도 괜찮습니다.


노트테이킹을 해두지 못해 지문으로 다시 되돌아가 언급된 보기를 찾아야 하는 상황이라면

 범주가 어디에 언급되었는지를 먼저 파악해야 합니다


 범주가 언급된 위치를 찾은  빠르게 내용을 훑어보고 

해당되는 내용의 보기를 찾아 고르면 됩니다.


  방법은 다시 지문으로 되돌아가 범주를 찾아 내용을 읽고

 선택지와 비교해야 한다는 점에서 시간 소모가 조금 크다고 생각합니다

따라서 미리 각 범주 별 특징적 내용을 필기해두는 것을 추천합니다. 


Category chart 유형에서 만점을 받기 위해서는 

항목별 매우 detail 특징들까지 파악해주어야 합니다.

 선택지는 지문에서 나온 문장 그대로 나오지 않습니다

대부분(99%) restate 또는 paraphrase  형태로 나오기 때문에 

이에 유의해 토플 리딩 문제를 풀어나가야 합니다. 


항목  정보를 빠르게 찾는 토플 리딩 팁으로는, 

On the other hand, however, In contrast 등과 같은 

전환어 집중적으로 살펴보시면좋을  같습니다

전환어 근처에 중요한 정보가 많이 언급되어 있는 편이기 때문에

 비교/대조의 표현이 사용된 부분은 집중적으로 읽는 것을 추천합니다. 


마찬가지로 Both, also 같이 특징들을 공통적으로 묶는

 표시어도 토플 리딩에서 주의깊게 살펴보아야 합니다:) 





이렇게 토플 리딩에 대해

이야기 해봤는데요!


정보가 도움이 되셨길 바랍니다 :)


하단 링크를 클릭하면

고우해커스에서 원문 확인이 가능합니다.


궁금하신 점은 댓글로 남겨주세요!!




아래 배너를 누르시면 고우해커스에서 더 많은 정보 확인이 가능합니다